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11. International Congress "Cultural Heritage and New Technologies

Come ogni anno si terrà a Vienna il Congresso internazionale sui rapporti e le applicazioni tra Archeologia e Nuove tecnologie informatiche.  Nel corso delle tre giornate di incontro sono previsti numerosi interventi raggruppati in tre sessioni principali. La partecipazione agli incontri e workshops è a numero chiuso.

Per informazioni:

Programma delle tre sessioni

I Sessione (18 ottobre 2006) 

-         Cultural Heritage – Funding of the conservation and utilisation

-         Fancy a career in quantitative archaeology? Educational and jobopportunities in the digital age of archaeology.

-         DEM/DTM’s for scientific research and 3d modelling

-         How to publish “old” excavations with new technologies 2

-         Bedeutung, Gefährdung und Schutz kirchlicher Kulturgüterne

II sessione (19 ottobre 2006)

-         Simulatio Mundi - Recostruction and Archaeology - reconstruct document

-         "Distribution Map Done - What Next?"

-         Project Exchange (incl. EU - projects)

-         Cultural Heritage - About the Financing of Projects (part. 1)

-         Ready or not: uses of culturale heritage

-         Cultural Heritage - About the Financing of Projects (part. 2)

III sessione (20 ottobre 2006)

-         Questioning digital techniques in archaeology

-         UNESCO-Convention on the Means of Prohibiting and Preventing the Illicit Import, Export and Transfer of Ownership of Cultural Property (1970) – the status quo

-         Archaeology and Free Softwar

-         “The Death of the Digit”: What are we doing, and what should we be doing, to preserve our digital models of cultural heritage sites for future generations?

-         Digital site surveying, documentation and analysis